The ToddlerYEARS parenting course is a designed to prepare parents as our child begins to develop confidence and autonomy in the toddler years.
It challenges parents to question why you do what you do, to become better role models for our children and develop our child to their fullest potential.
The course consist of building blocks, principles and framework that make us thinking parents for an ever more inquisitive child.
Building Blocks of Parenting
- Principle of Why
- Journey of Fatherhood and Motherhood
- Virtues that the Family Embrace
Waketime Principles
- Structure and Routine
- Waketime Activities
- Transitioning to No Nap
Mealtime Principles
- Mealtime Planning
- Accepting Food Variety
- Enjoyable Family Mealtime
Fundamentals of Discipline
- Guiding with Instruction
- Motivating with Different Types of Encouragement
- Establish Boundaries Through Correction
- Discipline Solutions
The course is recommended for parents with child between 15 months old to 2.5 years old.
Classes will be conducted whenever there is sufficient register of interest.
Course Fee : $490 per couple including course materials and refreshments
To register your interest in this course, please send an email to [email protected]